Spring School Application Open February 1!

Application period: February 1 to February 28

Application here.

Join us this spring for our fun and engaging spring intensive and excursion day.

We have a great curriculum for children of all ages and levels to enjoy, plus we will be running an option excursion day on the Saturday. Both programs have limited spaces so don’t miss the change to join our wonderful English program.

Spring School Dates: 

Spring Intensive: March 25-28 (4 days)
Spring Excursion: March 29th (Saturday)

Class hours: 9:30 – 15:00

Intensive Programs

What we do

The OYIS Intensive Program has a cross-disciplinary focused approach, throughout the course each day. Our intensive program is a stand-alone week-long program of fun, theme-based curriculum to engage the children collaboratively with their peers. This particular approach lends itself to an enjoyable atmosphere with less of an emphasis on the academic elements of learning.

Winter Program

This winter, our winter school has a brand new curriculum to engage and support student learning.

Week 1 focuses on History in it’s 5 day program with Week 2 being the Future as the overarching theme for the 3 day program.

The immersive English environment provides students with the opportunity for hands-on learning, activities that build confidence and the chance to engage in a variety of projects in the morning and afternoon sessions.

Spring Program

OYIS Intensive Spring Program

With our immersive English environment, we encourage and develop the students speaking and listening skills, while also supporting literacy and comprehension development. Spend your Spring break with us speaking English and making new friends!

Summer Program

Join us for the OYIS 2024 Summer Intensive Program!
We have 4 weeks of fun, with an engaging curriculum which includes arts & crafts, inquiry learning and swimming. This is all done in an immersive English environment, students from beginner to advanced English levels are welcome!

Did you know?


Yearly intensives


Annual External Students


Campus Locations


Fluent English-speaking staff

Where does your child fit?

A sample schedule.

9:30 - 10:00 Circle Time
Welcome / Greetings / Weather / Numeracy /Theme Language / Movement / Games
10:00 - 10:30 PE
Stretching & Warm up / Activity / Cool Down
Science / Technology / Engineering / Experiments / Maths / POEs / Art Exploration
11:30 - 12:00 Literacy Focus
Theme Related – Math / Phonics / Sentence Structure / Reading / Writing
12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH
13:00 - 13:30 Art & Craft
Creativity / Imagination / Experimentation / FMS Development
13:30 - 14:10 Phonics / Numeracy Focus
Theme Related – Math / Phonics
14:10 - 14:30 Story Time
Theme Related -Children’s Book/s
14:30 - 14:50 Review of the day / Prepare for dismissal
prepare for dismissal

Sample student work.

As part of STEM Week within the Winter Intensive Program in December 2020, our students planned out and created their own Stop Motion animations. They did an amazing job and we are really proud of their efforts! Check out their fantastic videos here.

Special activities.


During the year we hold one Excursion as part of the intensive programs. Having the children participate in an excursion where they have the opportunity to learn English enables them to be able to use the language they have developed and practiced over the course of the year. 

News & Events



The Takahashi Family

Intensive Parent

Our son went to YMCA for the first time for their last Intensive [the Spring Intensive in 2021] and the staff warmly welcomed him. The staff understood his feelings and personality well and as a result, were able to respond to his anxieties and desires.

The Curriculum

The Themes of the Spring Intensive were Fairy Tales and Insects. He made crafts and did activities related to dragons, crowns, magic wands, and insects every day and was able to explain happily and proudly what each of his creations were. From what he produced, I felt the curriculum focused on a number of different types of skills. I felt that the staff must have thought about so many different things when they created the curriculum.

Also, having looked at a number of programs and schools, no other program has the inclusion of an excursion using the school bus. My son emptied his lunch box and slept soundly every night. He had so much fun! I was very happy to see his happy sleeping face each night.

I was also impressed by the staff’s attention to detail. For example, changing his dirty clothes and shoes. Although, it’s a trivial matter, it is the sort of thing that is important to parents. I felt they were watching the child with great care to notice it. I also felt I could leave my son with no worries.

In addition, after the first week, my son’s English proficiency improved surprisingly. I was very surprised, “In just four days?” “Where did you remember such a phrase?” I wasn’t the only one to notice the change either. Even his grandparents were delighted to notice his growth in English. After the second week, his proportion of speaking English at home increased dramatically.

The OYIS Spring Intensive had a consistently wonderful curriculum that helped children develop their English proficiency, artistic skills, overall general knowledge, and their communication skills. All the Teachers and Assistants are professionals and the school is full of warm and friendly staff.

The Ito Family

Saturday & Intensive Parent

We decided on the OYIS Intensive Program and their Saturday Program to help support our son in being a person with an international perspective, to give him a range of choices in his life, and increase the chance of a range of experiences in the future. Since he started with the OYIS External Programs, his English pronunciation has been improving, he has become to be able to speak in longer sentences, and is now more able to communicate in either English or Japanese depending on the situation. My son enjoys not only the lesson based on the workbooks but also the more active part of the day where he is learning such as Art & Craft, Music, and P.E.
We have seen the development, not only in his language output but also his general demeanor and spirit as he now shows more of a positive attitude and tries to be more kind with caring to people around him every day – which amazes us. We appreciate the warmth, kindness, and support of his teachers who are always friendly and gentle.


Ages 3-4 years.

For students aged 4 to 6 years old with a focus on fun and engagement in an English immersive environment, students will participate in a range of activities including singing, dancing, theme activities, art and craft, story time, basic social and life skill development and Phonics. The students also have the opportunity to participate in P.E. and IT lessons that have been specifically tailored to the age group.

Preparation time unpack your bag / Activity Time – coloring, FMS, Free Play

Singing, Dancing, Games, Vocabulary, Numeracy.

GMS development

Introduce new letter & sound / digital support materials / introduce new related vocab

Fruit break / Toilet Time

Learning technology

Numeracy / FMS / Topic Focus / Literacy

Lunch time.

Playground play.

FMS development / Scissor Skills / Theme Based

Numeracy / FMS / Topic Focus / Literacy

Toilet / Discussion / Story Time


Ages 4-6 years.

For students aged 4 to 6 years old with a focus on fun and engagement in an English immersive environment, students will participate in a range of activities including singing, dancing, theme activities, art and craft, story time, basic social and life skill development and Phonics. The students also have the opportunity to participate in P.E. and IT lessons that have been specifically tailored to the age group.

9:15 - 9:30 Children arrive

Preparation time unpack your bag / Activity Time – coloring, FMS, Free Play

9:30 - 10:00 Circle Time

Numeracy / FMS / Topic Focus / Literacy

10:30 - 11:00 PE

GMS development

11:00 - 11:15 Fruit Time

Fruit break / Toilet Time / Transition

11:15 - 11:45 Inquiry Learning / Activity Time

Activities that are related to the Theme or seasonal content that help develop and support the learning that area

11:45 - 12:15 Art & Craft

FMS development / Scissor Skills / Theme Based

12:15 - 12:45 Lunch Time

Lunch time.

12:45 - 13:15 Outside Time

Playground play.

13:15 - 13:45 IT Time

Technology learning time.

13:45 - 14:15 Inquiry Learning / Activity Time

Activities that are related to the Theme or seasonal content that help develop and support the learning that area.

14:15 - 14:45 Story Time / Review of the day

Toilet / Discussion / Story Time

Grade 1 & 2

Ages 6-8 years

Designed for students who are in their first two years of Elementary school the curriculum focuses on the literacy skills (reading, writing, speaking) of the students through providing them with an immersive English environment within which they can grow and develop their skills through ongoing practice and study. They are also given the opportunity to participate in weekly IT and P.E. lessons.

Preparation time unpack your bag / Activity Time – coloring, FMS, Free Play

New vocabulary introduction, Sight Words focus, Theme language, conversation-based learning

Raz Kids / Typing Tutorials / BrainPop / Numeracy Games

Focus on specific content within the week’s designated workbook pages, also included the pre-teaching of content

Fruit Snack / Break Time

GMS development
Theme Based / Art & Craft / Science

Playground Time

Applying learnt content to written work
Graded reader / Group and/or Independent Reading
Homework check / reflection / new content

Grade 3 & 4

Ages 8-10 years

Students at this level are exposed to an immersive English environment where they can study grammar, literacy and spoken English in fun, engaging lessons with the friends. They have weekly IT and P.E. lessons that are geared towards their age group’s GMS developmental needs.

Preparation time unpack your bag / Activity Time – coloring, FMS, Free Play

New vocabulary introduction, Sight Words focus, Theme language, conversation-based learning

Theme Based / Art & Craft / Science

Focus on specific content within the week’s designated workbook pages, also included the pre-teaching of content

Fruit break / Tiolet
Raz Kids / Typing Tutorials / BrainPop / Numeracy Games
Applying learnt content to written work

Playground time

Eating lunch

GMS development
Graded reader / Group and/or Independent Reading
Homework check / reflection / new content

Grade 5 & 6

Ages 10-12 years

At the oldest grade levels, the students not only participate in weekly IT and P.E. lessons and they too also learn within an immersive English environment where one of our experienced Saturday teachers supports their literacy and spoken English skill development. Through more thorough focus on sentence creation and basic structure, teachers are able to focus on more specifics with each child, fine tuning not only their spoken but also their written English.

Preparation time unpack your bag / Activity Time – coloring, FMS, Free Play

New vocabulary introduction, Sight Words focus, Theme language, conversation-based learning

Focus on specific content within the week’s designated workbook pages, also included the pre-teaching of content

Applying learnt content to written work

Fruit Snack / Break Time

Raz Kids / Typing Tutorials / BrainPop / Numeracy Games

Playground time

Eating lunch

Graded reader / Group and/or Independent Reading
GMS development
Homework check / reflection / new content


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