Grade 1 & 2
Ages 6-8 years
Designed for students who are in their first two years of Elementary school the curriculum focuses on the literacy skills (reading, writing, speaking) of the students through providing them with an immersive English environment within which they can grow and develop their skills through ongoing practice and study. They are also given the opportunity to participate in weekly IT and P.E. lessons.
Preparation time unpack your bag / Activity Time – coloring, FMS, Free Play
New vocabulary introduction, Sight Words focus, Theme language, conversation-based learning
Raz Kids / Typing Tutorials / BrainPop / Numeracy Games
Focus on specific content within the week’s designated workbook pages, also included the pre-teaching of content
Fruit Snack / Break Time
GMS development
Theme Based / Art & Craft / Science
Eating lunch
Playground Time
Applying learnt content to written work
Graded reader / Group and/or Independent Reading
Homework check / reflection / new content